June 17, 2009

montauk part 1

sorry bout the no posts. lame. no, f that, super lame. i'm getting back in the saddle again. shauna and i spent last weekend in the hamptons - montauk more specifically. montauk is not super lame, quite the contrary, it's super magical. over the next couple of days i'll be posting some pictures from the trip, some arts and crafts i've been working on and some fun stuff from the end of the school year and the summer camp. here are a couple of pics from the weekend that speak for themselves.

June 1, 2009

ah, naples in the springtime

this is a little pen, ink and brush sketch id did while subbing the other day at e.i. i've never been to naples before, i was looking at this comic panel by jean giraud, a.k.a. moebius: